eBPF由BPF(Berkeley Packet Filter)扩展而来,提供了一种在内核事件和用户程序事件发生时安全注入代码的机制,使得非内核开发人员也可以对内核进行控制,无需修改内核源码和重新编译内核就可以扩展内核的功能。(简单类比的话,就类似未成年人可以在有限的范围内安全的做一些成年人才能做的事了)
The aforementioned KubeCon Talk performed specific measurements on iptables as a bottleneck for Kubernetes service forwarding and noted that throughput degraded by ~30% with 5,000 services deployed, and by 80% with 10,000 services (a 6X performance difference). Likewise, rule updates at 5,000 services took 11 minutes, ages in a world of continuous delivery.
Thanks to the flexibility of BPF, Cilium performs this same operation with O(1) average runtime behavior using a simple BPF map based hash table, meaning the lookup latency at 10,000 or even 20,000 services is constant. Likewise, updates to these BPF maps from userspace are highly-efficient, meaning that even with 20,000+ services, the time to update a forwarding rule is microseconds, not hours.
For these reasons, Facebook has recently presented their use of BPF and XDP for load-balancing in a public talk to replace IPVS after measuring an almost 10x performance increase.